Kỹ năng

Mô tả công việc

1.Application Development:
oLead the development of cross-platform mobile applications using Flutter for both iOS and Android platforms.
2.Camera/Video App Features:
oDesign, architect, and implement advanced camera and video features, including recording, processing, and real-time interactions.
3.UI/UX Implementation:
oDrive the implementation of intuitive and visually appealing user interfaces, ensuring a seamless user experience.
4.Cross-Platform Development:
oUtilize Flutter framework to create robust and scalable applications that run seamlessly on both iOS and Android platforms.
oIntegrate third-party libraries, APIs, and plugins to enhance camera and video-related functionalities.
6.State Management:
oImplement efficient state management solutions to maintain application state and ensure optimal performance.
7.Performance Optimization:
oStrategically optimize application performance, especially in the realm of camera and video processing.
8.Testing and Quality Assurance:
oDevelop and implement comprehensive testing strategies, including unit testing, to ensure code quality and reliability.
oCollaborate effectively with cross-functional teams, including designers, backend developers, and other stakeholders.
10.Version Control:
oUtilize version control systems, such as Git, to manage and track changes in the codebase efficiently.
11.Problem Solving:
oDemonstrate strong problem-solving skills, particularly in addressing challenges related to camera and video functionalities.
oCreate and maintain comprehensive documentation for code, APIs, and overall application architecture.

Yêu cầu công việc

Fluent English Communication
Minimum 4 years of experience in Flutter development
Minimum 5 years of experience in Software development
Experience in Native IOS/ Native Android/ React native is a plus
Experience in FullStack software development is a plus
Core Technical Expertise:
- Knowledge in Domain-Driven Design or Clean Architecture
- Knowledge in flutter_bloc and get_it library
- Knowledge in json_serializable and freezed library
- Knowledge in auto_route or go_router library
- Knowledge in universal applink and deeplink
- Knowledge in integration test, unit test, bloc test and unit test
- Knowledge in Firebase services, such as Crashlytics, Remote Config, Messaging
- Knowledge in Hive library is a plus
- Knowledge in Trunk-based Development is a plus
- Knowledge in Flutter web is a plus
- Knowledge in CICD Pipeline is a plus

Thời gian làm việc

Trong tuần: Từ thứ 2 - thứ 6

Trong ngày: Từ 08:30 giờ - 18:00 giờ

Quyền lợi ứng viên

- No probationary period, receive 100% official salary
- Opportunities onsite and working with big customers, advanced technology, self-development...
- The opportunity to work in groups with many leading experts in the field of domestic and international IT.
- Opportunity to implement ambitious projects in many countries, exposure to the latest technologies and learn from good colleagues.
- Working in a young, vibrant, modern and multicultural environment; Communication activities and events on holidays take place regularly.
- Opportunity for advancement based on ability with corresponding increase in rank and salary increase.
- Have the right to participate in soft skills training courses (logical thinking, creative thinking, communication skills, project management skills, negotiation skills…)
- And many other attractive benefits...

Địa chỉ làm việc


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Việc làm cùng kỹ năng

Flutter Developer

  • 20-30 triệu
  • Đà Nẵng

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Tiền thưởng

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[Full remote] Flutter, TypeScript, Python_N2

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  • Tất cả địa điểm

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Android Kotlin remote

  • 15-20 triệu
  • Tất cả địa điểm

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Mức lương

25-30 triệu

Thông tin

  • Kinh nghiệm 4 năm
  • Trình độ Không yêu cầu
  • Vị trí Senior
  • Loại công việc Mobile Apps
  • Hình thức Full-time
  • Hạn nộp hồ sơ 2024-01-17
  • Số lượng 2 người
  • Quy trình phỏng vấn 2 vòng
Hỗ trợ ứng tuyển

Đào Thị Thu Phương


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