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Hồ Chí Minh


50 - 100 người

Từ thứ 2 - sáng thứ 7

Giới thiệu

Finan is a Singapore - registered technology startup and the owner of the SoBanHang application.
Founded by management executives from leading e-commerce businesses in Vietnam, including Lazada, Zalora (Rocket Internet), Topica Edtech Group, OneMountGroup... SoBanHang enables nano and micro-businesses to manage cash flow better with digital bookkeeping apps and increase sales through a hyperlocal online storefront.
After 6 months of experiencing hypergrowth, SoBanHang is the market leader and doing the mission of helping thousands of small businesses go online
So Ban Hang has been invested by leading investment funds such as FFEBE Ventures, Class 5, Kevin P.Ryan – founder of Gilt Groupe, Business Insider and MongoDB.
By 2025, SoBanHang will become the trusted partner of 1 million businesses, helping them serve 100 million customers and generate $100 billion in sales.
With that hyper-growth, we look for talented teammates to join our rocketship. This plays a critical role in building a solid tech foundation for hundreds of millions of users.

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